Two weeks ago, every stroke felt like I was swimming with 10 pound weights wrapped around my arms. Every day was a struggle and I dreaded getting into the water. Last week, I felt great. I felt strong every day and today was even better. I had been in a training funk. It doesn’t matter if I was struggling because I was overly tired, or just having a bad week, what matters is that I was able to work through it and I feel great. As my yardage has increased, the mental workout has caught up to the physical workout and I have found that sometimes the mental battle can be so much harder to get through then the physical. It is funny how your mind can take over your ability to think rationally. I can do the same amount of yardage every day, doing the same pace work, yet depending on how the sets are broken up, I will either have a great day or a crappy one. Will I feel great every day until Catalina? Probably not, but Bonnie reminded me to remember that when I am having a bad week, a good week will come again. It is just a matter of working through the pain to get there.